Entertainment is such a great job to have. Dare to dream!
Barbarian bɑːˈbɛːrɪən/
A code of conduct honored by all true warriors, requiring excellent coordination with tools, closeness to nature, common sense and completion of the mission
Barbarian Design was established in 1997 as an event management company. Uunder the guidance of renowned floral designer, Mrs Barbara Wai.
Since its inception, Barbarian Design has been engaged in diversified activities, from wedding receptions to costume design and promotion events; and from artists’ promotions to concerts organisation, marketing and production.
The Company was a leading contractor and preferred service provider for wedding receptions and events at major six star hotels such as the Grand Hyatt, JW Marriott and the then Regent Hotel. Barbarian Design has also been involved in marketing and promotion; concepts design and brand management.
Over the years, Barbarian Design has expanded its activities to concerts organisation and production, everageing its production network and management expertise to explorefor a wider service offering. It participates in numerous sellout concerts and performances and acclaimed productions. Geographical coverage includes Hong Kong, China, Macau, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and the North America. .